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Korea Notifies WTO Concerning Proposed Update to Food Packaging Standards
The Republic of Korea recently notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of its proposal to amend the “Standards and Specification for Food Utensils, Containers and Packages.” The most recent version of the standards and specifications was published in 2019 (see Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety website).
The standards and specifications are divided in two parts. The first part has sections on: General Rules, Common Standards and Specifications, and Specifications for Individual Materials. Part II contains the Test Methods.
The specific subsections that are undergoing revision are:
- The common manufacturing standards, the usage specifications, and the suitability determination of standard and specifications, found in the Common Standards and Specification Section
- The standards for using of recycled synthetic resins
- The Test Methods
A copy of the WTO notification can be found here.