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Brazil Publishes MERCOSUR Resolutions into National Law

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The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) transposed three MERCOSUR Grupo Mercado Común (GMC) food-contact resolutions into Brazilian national law. Resolution RDC No. 589/2021 (in Portuguese) incorporates GMC Resolutions 19/21, 20/21, and 21/21 into a single resolution. (For information about GMC Resolutions 19/21, 20/21, and 21/21, see the article, MERCOSUR Publishes Three Food-Contact Related Resolutions .)

RDC No 589/2021 became effective on January 3, 2022.  According to Article 16 of RDC No. 589/2021, companies must comply with the requirements established in this standard within 12 months of effective date of the resolution, i.e., by January 3, 2023.