CA OEHHA Expert Panels Vote to List Vinyl Acetate and BPS under Prop 65

The California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announced on December 24, 2024, that its Cancer Identification Committee (CIC) voted unanimously on December 19 to list vinyl acetate as a carcinogen under Proposition 65. OEHHA had accepted comments on the potential carcinogenicity of vinyl acetate from July 7, 2023, through September 18, 2023. Following the comment period, on October 24, 2024, OEHHA published the hazard identification document, titled, “Evidence on the Carcinogenicity of Vinyl Acetate.”
OEHHA also announced that its Development and Reproductive Toxicant Identification Committee (DARTIC) voted unanimously to list bisphenol S (BPS) as a male reproductive toxicant under Proposition 65. OEEHA had accepted comments on the potential reproductive toxicity of BPS from March 4, 2022, through April 18, 2022. In September 2024, OEHHA published the hazard identification document, titled, “Evidence on the Male Reproductive Toxicity of Bisphenol S.” BPS was first placed on the Proposition 65 list for reproductive toxicity, based on the female reproductive endpoint, on December 29, 2023.