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The Danish Order on a register of mixtures and articles that contain nanomaterials as well as the requirement for producers and importers to report to the register entered into force on June 18, 2014. The Order establishes a Nano Product Register of mixtures and articles that contain nanomaterials and are intended for sale to the general public. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency will maintain the Nano Product Register.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) reiterated in a final guidance, released June 24, 2014, that it will regulate nanotechnology products under existing statutory authorities.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a Stop Sale, Use, or Removal Order (SSURO) to Pathway Investment Corp., Englewood, N.J., for violation of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (Docket No. FIFRA 02-2014-5102) with respect to the sale of plastic food storage containers that contain an unregistered antimicrobial pesticide.

The European Food Safety Authority's (ESFA) Scientific Network of Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed published its annual report on Dec. 12, 2013. Among its accomplishments during 2013, the Network finalized a list of national laboratories that have equipment and expertise for analyzing nanomaterials in complex matrices, and it worked on compliling inventory lists of nanomaterials applications currently present in the food/feed chain.

Denmark presented a Draft Order to the European Commission covering the registration of products containing nanomaterials. Food-contact materials are excluded from the registration requirement.

Belgium recently notified the European Commission (EC) of its draft Royal Order on the marketing of substances manufactured to nano-particle scale (notification number 2013/369/B). The Draft Royal Order proposes: